Service-Oriented Architecture, or SOA, is an area
of enterprise technology currently increasing
in scope and acceptance. Exposing small and
large components and systems as 'services' offers
a variety of business and IT benefits that
greatly improve a company's ability to reach its

Technology companies
are not the only benefactors of SOA efforts.
Companies in all industries are improving the
way they conduct business with the advent of SOA
tools and technologies.

Are you leveraging your company's data effectively? Can you benefit
from new ways to communicate with your suppliers or other internal
applications? Are you looking for a long-term infrastructure upon
which your company can build its IT assets?
In the past few years, SOA has grown beyond its original ideas as
an architecture upon which enterprises can build cost-effective
applications. Several companies have released infrastructure software
tools that realize the vision of SOA.
In addition to the COTS software packages, GDI is ready to build,
expose or re-engineer you application's features as SOA-friendly
services. Applications built with this model allow your company to
- Align your business ideas with your IT capabilities
- Securely integrate your IT systems with your partners and suppliers
- Develop applications faster
- Develop more agile business applications
- Decrease the long-term cost of IT
- Improve business processes and standards
- Leverage a company's data with stronger business intelligence (BI) tools
For more information on GDI's SOA Solutions, contact a GDI